Auditor's Professional Education Pass™

Subscribe to over $2,000 worth of CPE courses for a low annual price.

Wouldn't it be nice to get all of the CPE you need each year for less than $200?

Well now you can...

cRisk Academy now offers "The Auditor's Professional Education Pass™" which is designed to bring you a well rounded auditing educational package with a rotating library of new content!

Just like how your movie streaming services bring in new content and replace the old content now we are too!

Being subscribed offers you all the requirements you need to re-certify yourself every year by meeting your CPE hour requirements as well as your ethics requirements (which will never rotate out), while also doing so at an incredible price point!

In fact the price of The Auditor's Professional Education Pass™ is less than the price of an annual IIA membership, and less than attending a few IIA chapter meeting each year... and you get all of your CPE from the comfort of your home or office.

Staying subscribed allows you find relevant, new, and up to date CPE courses and educational opportunities right at your fingertips!

And you also get these benefits:

  • On-demand video courses to meet your CPE requirements each year!
  • 10% off coupon you can use on any other courses and certifications, anytime!
  • Includes course that meet your annual 2 hour ethics requirements!
  • Invitations to live, special sessions with Jason Mefford!
  • Access to all courses included in the bundle when you maintain your subscription.
  • CPE certificates accepted by almost all governing bodies, including the IIA!

***cancelling your subscription to The Auditor's Professional Pass™ does remove access to courses in the subscription.

Your Instructor

Jason Mefford
Jason Mefford

Jason Mefford is a rock star in internal audit, risk management and compliance. He typically works with Chief Audit Executives (CAE), Audit Committee (AC) members, and professionals in audit, risk and compliance with the technical and soft-skills needed to navigate the land mines of organizations. He takes complicated, confusing & hard things, makes them practical, proactive & simple to improve learning and transformation.

He's been a Chief Audit Executive, Chief Risk Officer, Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer, Chief Information Security Officer, Board Member, and has trained and consulted organizations all over the world. He is a thought leader in all things governance, risk and compliance (GRC) and internal audit, and is the recipient of multiple awards including:

  • Rising Star in Corporate Governance from Yale University
  • Rising Star in Corporate Governance Award (Finalist) from Corporate Secretary Magazine
  • Thought Leader of the Year (Finalist) from The National Association of Experts, Writers & Speakers
  • Fellow from the Open Compliance & Ethics Group (OCEG) Think Tank

You can learn more about him at: and join him in the Audit Leader Forum™ at:

Course Curriculum

  Course Subscription
Available in days
days after you enroll

Courses Included with Purchase

Biggest Secrets for Being a Great Internal Auditor
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 2.0
Jason Mefford
Auditors Are Awesome and Biased
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
The Shocking Truth About Ethics
Field: Ethics | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 2.0
Jason Mefford
cRisk Academy Community, Knowledge Center, and FAQ
Field: Personal Development | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
#1 Ingredient for a Successful Internal Audit Function
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.5
Jason Mefford
Internal Audit is a Discipline NOT a Profession
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Implications About the Proposed Changes to Internal Audit Standards
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 2.0
Jason Mefford
Data Analytics: Actual Analytics Anyone Can Do
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Ethics for Internal Auditors - Star Wars Jedi Edition
Field: Ethics | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 2.0
Jason Mefford
Why Don't Auditors Find More Fraud?
Field: Fraud | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.5
Jason Mefford
How to Start a Fraud Program in Your Organization
Field: Fraud | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
5 Audits are Better Than 100
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.25
Jason Mefford
Real World Ethics for Internal Auditors
Field: Ethics | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 2.0
Jason Mefford
Authentic Leadership is Grounded in Integrity
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
7 Habits of Highly Successful Chief Audit Executives (CAE)
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.5
Jason Mefford
Critical Thinking in Report Writing and Recommendations
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Lessons from a CAE with Larry Harrington
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Radical Reporting: Communicating Through Change and Writing Better Reports
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
How to Become a More Mindful and Emotionally Intelligent Leader
Field: Personal Development | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Staff to Executive in 10 Years or Less
Field: Personal Development | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
What Every Auditor Needs To Know About IT Audit
Field: Information Technology | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Having Difficult Conversations in a Remote Work Environment
Field: Personal Development | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Real Risks Are Probably Not in Your Audit Plan
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Theoretical vs. Practical Internal Audit
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Internal Audit is Not Acting Strategically
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Becoming a Trusted Advisor #1
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Establishing or Improving a Risk-Based Audit Approach
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Becoming a Trusted Advisor #2
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Budget Cuts Question Internal Audit's Value and Independence
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Reducing Management Push Back in Audits
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Resolving Conflicts at Work
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Auditing Social Media
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Ethical Decision-Making Models
Field: Ethics | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
How to See Risk Clearly, in an Accelerating Business Environment
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Avoiding Resistance by Using the Principles of Influence
Field: Specialized knowledge | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
How a Total Quality Mindset Can Help Internal Audit Add Real Value
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
The Big 3 Audit Certifications and Personal Learning Plans
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Critical Thinking is Declining
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
The Future of Internal Audit and an Update to Sawyer's Internal Auditing
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Adding More Value and Becoming a Trusted Advisor by Bucking Tradition
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
An Introduction to Principled Performance®
Field: Management Services | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Empathy in Internal Audit
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Getting Audit Leaders off the Island
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Tactics and Courage to Appraise Corporate Culture
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Internal Audit Discussions: Internal Audit Must Embrace Change or Sink Like a Stone
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Data Analytics for Internal Audit 101
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Are You Really a Trusted Advisor?
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Companies Lag on Improving Risk Management and Climbing El Capitan with Joe McCafferty
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Moving from a CPE Mindset to Lifelong Learning
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Right-Sizing Internal Audit - Benchmarking is Barking Up Wrong Tree
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Adding More Value and Becoming a Trusted Advisor
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Making the Shift to Agile Auditing
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Doing a Good Job Won't Stop You From Getting Fired
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
You Will Still Get Ignored with only Technical Skills
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Avoiding Resistance by Using the Principles of Influence
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Invest in Yourself or Nobody Else Will
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Giving Up Some Independence is OK
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Moving Internal Audit to the Strategic Level
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
How a Total Quality Mindset Can Help Internal Audit Add Real Value
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Is Your Internal Audit Team Playing Varsity or JV Ball?
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Why Most Auditors are NOT Trusted Advisors
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Internal Audit's Role in System Implementations Case Study
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
How Yoga can Help You Become a Better Auditor
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Lessons from a CAE with Bruce Turner
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Budgets and Other Fake Numbers
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Risk-Based Internal Auditing
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Compliance Enforcement Case Studies
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Auditing Humor and Other Oxymorons
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
A Candid Discussion About Certifications
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Showing Your Value to Management
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Lessons from a CAE with Imran Zia
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Lessons from a CAE with Steve Goepfert
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
What's Holding Most Chief Audit Executives Back
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Lessons from a CAE with Frank Coleman
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Independence: I Do Not Think That Word Means What You Think It Means
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Lessons from a CAE with Tom Harris
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 0.5
Jason Mefford
Dealing With Difficult People
Field: Personal Development | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Meet Less and Do More: Go From Meetings You Hate to Meetings You Love
Field: Personal Development | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Lessons from an International BCP Expert During and After a Crisis Event
Field: Specialized Knowledge | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Case Study: Audit Report Innovations at Frontier Communications
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Emotional Intelligence For Internal Auditors
Field: Personal Development | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Data Analytics - Choose Your Adventure
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
3 Things Internal Audit Must Do Now to Stay Relevant
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Developing a Business Case for GRC and Internal Audit Efforts
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Touchstone Research for Internal Audit
Field: Auditing | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
Introduction to Risk Management
Field: Risk Management | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford
From the Mailroom to the Boardroom
Field: Personal Development | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
Jason Mefford

Original Price: $2,053

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the courses?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to the courses included in the subscription for as long as you maintain an active subscription - across any and all devices you own. If you cancel your subscription, you will lose access to the courses.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 7 days and we will give you a full refund.

Get started now!